AK Klima 2024

September 26 - 28, 2024


AK Klima 2024 has come to en end. Thank you for a great meeting, we are looking forward to seeing you in Erlangen in 2025!

Announcement of the 42nd Annual Meeting of AK Klima

The Institute of Geography at the University of Bremen invites you to attend the 42nd annual conference of AK Klima in Bremerhaven from September 26 to September 28, 2024. The conference will start on September 26 at 13:30 and finish on September 28 at 13:00 (detailed program to be announced later).

The conference will take place at the Klimahaus Bremerhaven (also see Location).

The annual conference of the AK Klima is aimed at all those who are scientifically concerned with current issues in climatology and meteorology. In particular, contributions on the following topics are welcome:

The contributions should reflect the current research process and state of knowledge in ongoing and recently completed research projects. Abstracts can be submitted for oral or poster presentation. 

Registration and Fees

Early registration (up to June 30th): 225 €. For students (i.e., no finished Master degree): 150 €. Latest payment: July 31st.

Late registration (from July 1st onwards): 250 €. For students (i.e., no finished Master degree): 175 €. Latest payment: September 15th.

Registration will be closed on August 15th!

The conference fees include coffee breaks, a reception and conference dinner within the exhibition area of the Klimahaus, and access to the exhibition. 

Registration is now closed. We are looking forward to seeing you in Bremerhaven!

Information for Presenters

Posters will be presented on boards 150 cm wide and 130 cm high. The projector for oral presentations will have the format 16:9.

The default language at the conference will be English, but contributions in German are just as welcome!

Each oral presentation is given a time slot of 30 minutes. Please try to stay within 15 to max. 20 minutes with your presentation, so that there is ample time for discussion!


The keynote will be given in the afternoon of September 26th by Hans-Otto Pörtner:

Nature, Climate, Human Society the challenges of coupled systems in a world exposed to multiple crises 

The pioneering findings of Hans-Otto Pörtner on climate change impacts on marine organisms have earned him worldwide recognition. As co-chair of IPCC Working Group II, he made a significant contribution to the 6th IPCC Assessment Report. He is an elected  member of the European Academy of Sciences and was appointed by the German government to its Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU) in 2020. 

Special Event

The conference will be hosted within the Klimahaus Bremerhaven. Preceding the conference reception on Friday, September 27, you will have the opportunity to explore the exhibition of Klimahaus, traveling around the world along 8° E longitude. Towards the end of this journey, you will arrive at the Samoa Beach section of the exhibition, where the conference reception and dinner will be held. Feel free to dress accordingly (keeping in mind you will traverse Antarctica to get to Samoa) - but, unfortunately, swimming is not permitted! 😉


If you have any question, feel free to contact the organizers of the conference at contact@akklima24.de.

Sponsors and Supporters of the Conference

The organization of AK Klima 2024 is hosted by and supported through the Institute of Geography at the University of Bremen. The conference is facilitated  through and co-sponsored by OGGM e.V.